video / Château Poulet
Based on former works with ceiling fans and tubes I colaborated with Andrew Schrock in 2014 and built a tall tower instrument for the New Orleans Music Box Village. The instrument contains 4 fans. Each has different size corrugated tubes attached that are changing their musical pitch depending on the rotational speed of the fans. The “Château Poulet” was born and is used in the Music Box Village for public workshops and open hours and for musical performances of local and international artist. Among them Peaches, Animal Collective, Tony Allen, Sun Ra Arkestra, Quintron, Mars Williams(Psychedelic Furs), William Parker, Wilco, Arto Lindsay and many more.
In 2017 the Music Box invited us again. This time to do a new version of the Instrument for the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA). While the Château Poulet has an electric motor to drive the fans, the new version is hand powered with cranks, has 5 fans and an increased range of pitch. The name of the “Carrugarou” is a combination of the word “corrugation”, since the sounding tubes are corrugated like a corrugaphone, and the word “loup-garou” which is french for werewolf because of its howling sound.
The Corrugarou is part of a MASS MoCA collection of sound installations which are found all arround the museeum in public spaces of North Adams. After beeing located in front of the museum for several years it has now its home in a little forrest along the Hossic River close to the Mohawk Trail.